Tuesday, March 3, 2009

sToRy BeHiND TeLuR BuNgKuS

Yesterday we (me,eLFy,aNNe,aman,aril and erine) went for dinner around this merbok area. This famous restaurant was very near to our place. After minutes we get our table and it is near to the river. After that, the waiter come and asked order from us. We decide to have kind of Thai food. So we asked for:

Nasi Puteh
Tomyam Campur,
Daging masak merah
Telur Bungkus
Kalian ikan masin

About an hour later our meals delivered to our table and there is something arrived put in plastic bag. We just wonder if this is belonging to others. We can not realize that there is one missing meal on our table. eLFy called the waiters and said that this is not mine. The waiter simply said that it is ours. Again eLFy said no that not us. But this waiter can not get us. So I just explain it again that is not us. He is not satisfied and gets our order list and showed us. We check it out and nothing wrong with that. So he just said that he was right. He said that we refuse to pay for that. Every body was looked at us. Then he just go to his friend and they laugh when they see us.
We don’t satisfied yet.

Suddenly eLFy just realize that one meals missing there.
eLFy: telur bungkus kite tak de?
Me: a’ah la..(my heart said something to me)

I just faced eLFy and we smiles at one another. So eLFy feel that he going to teach that rude waiter a lesson. huhuhuhuhu
He called that waiter. Then he just stand and said that..

‘abang syg td ktorg order telur bungkus bukannye telur goreng yg di bungkus untuk dib aw balik ke rumah..kalau telur goreng mcm nie tak de makne nye la nak bungkus2 kat rumah pown boleh buat sendiri lg sedap!!!laen kali elok2 amek order yer and jgn simply nak menhanjeng org tak tentu pasal di atas kebodohan sendiri!!

aNNe said:

sekarang abg amek telur nie bukak mulut luas2 and makan yer sampai habis ajak kwn tue sekali ek..tak pe..tak pe ktorg kebetulan duit lebih banyak tak tau pe nak buat jadi ktorg decide utk belanje abg2 yg baek hati nie la ek..

eLFy just throw that egg straight towards the waiter. Both of them start to become lion at the moment. The peace just now turns to war situation at Palestine. That waiter get his friends and wish to attack eLFy & aNNe back. Huhuhuhu now it’s become more serious. Then me,aril.erine and aman stand together with eLFy & aNNe as one battalion to get ready to attack them back. (Even though at the moment I don’t what to do?) But they are my friends so I need to be with them in any kind of situation. Huhuhuhuhu

Few minutes after that, the owner come and seek for apologize from us. Then I said it is okay but your waiter doesn’t know how to treat customer in the right manner. So the owner gives us half discount price for our meals as he mean to seek for apology from us. He realizes that we are the regular customer there.

eLFy said to me that he wont do that way if the waiter don’t do it to him first. Yeah I’m absolutely agreed with him. He always remind me to protect myself and react when people cheat or make fool on us. My best friend also said the same thing before. He said that ‘Bila Terancam tak de pape nak di buat..MENJERIT..so that we can caught people attention and others can’t dare to harm on us..’ But I don’t know how to ‘menjerit’ even though all my friends around me like to perform it. He always like to ‘menjerit’ when his favorite song on air, he feel like he is in a danger, he stress etc. he afraid each and every time we went to hospital. I always remind him don’t ‘menjerit’ at this area because it might cause people die. This situation actually makes me miss my best friend much and all the sweat memories between us start to come out in my mind. In a way we finished up our meals I really don’t realize that I talking much bout my best friend. Suddenly eLFy asked me.’B u teringat kwn baek u ek..rindu di ke?’ aNNe said.’B I know u miss him much right. Be strong. Every thing will be fine.’ Then my tears start to fall in down. I don’t know what else to say. I still remember what he told me before..’berkawan tak kan putus tp bercinta je yg ade braek off’ I said to my self it is okay every thing will be fine. I gives them my smiles.( again I remember what he said to me. keep smiling because there might be someone will fall in love with you)

I’m proud to all of my friends around me. They are great in protecting themselves. They know how to make people respect on them. They always teach me on something about this world. That’s all about the story behind TELUR BUNGKUS’..;-)


Anonymous said...

btol la 2..telor bngkus mmg la kn bgkus dgn plastik..

Anonymous said...

mmh lwk la...
2 la len x, ckap biaq terng..

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA B cpat tol u upload cite nie ek..heheheheheh B u r great too laa smlm..ms sial meneney tue dtg dkt dpan i kan u berdiri dkt dpan i.. i geram tol. puas ati..dpt mkn telur bungkus la kan dorg smlm.hahahahah B tonite g lg nak x??heheheheh itu lesson utk stupid waiter mcm tue..STUPID!!!


Anonymous said...

hehehehehe B you bkn maen ek..bz pown sempat jer yer bloging la bagai..B i minx maaf ek i tak de niat nak buat u sedih smlm. u nmpk sgt hepi and sgt miss ur best friend smlm. sbar la B..i fhm..

Anonymous said...

dah terang lg bersuluh anonymous..


sHuHaDa said...

anonymous-telur bungkus yg selalu di order tak plak di fahami mcm tue..he5 selalu telur tue yg jd pembungkus kpd ingredient nye..hmmm

anonymous- rasa nye dah terang la ape yg di ckp kan tue..hmmm ntah lah..mungkin patot di specific kn lg kowt..he5;-)

sHuHaDa said...
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sHuHaDa said...

aNNe- i dah tulis dr blek smlm lg then after class i post la trus..he5...nak pg la? boleh sajer..no problem..order telur bungkus lg nak?ha5

sHuHaDa said...

eLFy- yup i dmit i miss him much..ntah la ..i tak tau ape yg tak betol nyer..dah mcm i pk tp tak dpt2 jgk..bia la L..i tak mampu nak pakse org..mungkin i'm not gud enuf utk jdk kwn baek dia lg la kowt..hmmmm tp dia ttp kwn baek i no matter what..bia la i simpan dlm hati jer L..huhuhuhu