Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Does economic development lead to political democracy? Or does political democracy generates economic development?

Through reviewing literature of political economic of development this study attempts to show audience at least five (5) possible patterns and theoretical explanation of the connection between development and democracy. There are:

Development first democracy later also modernization theory.
Political change process.
Development not leads to democracy.
Democracy first development later.
Democracy not matters in development.

Furthermore, I point out that in the process of democratization economic development varies from stage to stage it declines in the early phrase but increasing the later. Investigation economic change corresponding to political transition is critical to reconsider the causality between development and democracy.

I believe that each theoretical angel has its own strength and weaknesses in any case we might find some examples exceptional or contrast to it.

However, I would emphasizes that considering the connections between development and democracy in direct or a linear way might be naïve and cannot have a big and complete picture of the paths or tracks evolving to either democracy starts with development or development starts with democracy while investigation the process of political transition or democratization indirect and non linear track spread out political stability and economic performance vary from stage to stage.

Again, does development go first democracy later? Or democracy goes first development later? Clearly, I can conclude that the controversy over these two is inclusive and will be continuing.


Unknown said...

shu..is democracy essential for development???as far as i concerned qouted from micheal weinstein authors of the democracy advantage:how democracies promote prosperity is arguing that democracy is irrelevant to economic development. they cited eg of countries that developed econonomically without political liberalisation.. JAPAN can be gud examples here..so wat say you?

Unknown said...

eh adiey kite jgk kan negara democracy..membagun jgk kan compared as before..cume nye syu mcm ner nak kaitkan democracy dgn dev nie?ade corelation nye ke?ak pun maseh tak fhm lg..

btw syu ak ske entry kau nie..bnyk tersirat dan tersurat nyer..let see how it goes then.

Anonymous said...

democracy and development? mmg pnuh controversy nyer syu..hmm kestabilan politic tue kan boleh attract fdi dkt negara kite..so membangun la secara tak langsung nyer..cm nyer sejauh mane plak democracy dpt membagunkan sesebuah negara?so syu?

Anonymous said...

i tink democracy come first and the development later..as far as i concerned the economic development of the country influence much by political stability..otherwise fdi wont dare to invest here..am i rite?


Anonymous said...

acik rase political democracy generates to economic development la syu..acik tak stuju la kalau kate la economic development lead to political democracy..yer acik pk mcm nie..kalau tak de political democracy then how come nak leads to economic development kan.

ha lg pun tak de mane nyer la fdi nak dtg invest kalau huru hara jer demonstrasu cne cnie meletop cne cnie perang2an shu..acik pun cabot..tak gtew?

Anonymous said...

i'm quit agreed with u zaidy..i dont tink that democracy is essential to development..kalau semue asyik nak berckp jer bile nak maju..tgk la kes medium languange eng and math tue..ha nie la pdh nyer democracy..tak jgk maju2..perjuangan wat eva!


Anonymous said...

no idea la..politic cne cnie..gossip tak de?

Unknown said...

shuhada wait for ur words...;-)

Anonymous said...

amBoi tn zaidy kite...bkn maen yer...smpai ke cnie debate spirit nyer dtg yer..sabar2 shuhada bz cket skrang..dia pg uruskan kete dia and nenek dia saket today..hehehe tgu la ko zaidy..haaaa jgn tak tau people tn zaidy kite nie autocratic org nyer..tak g tue tn zaidy..cik shuhada nie plak democratic org nyer...kalau bertemu tue ha mcm nie la dorg nie...hahaha cik FiFi @eLFy jd host plak yer..hehehe nnt kiter set btol2 yer..tajuk dah ade nie..kite tgk 'product' mane lg bagus eyk..hahaha


Unknown said...

nak join! nak join!

Anonymous said...

tak leyh!tak leyh!huuuuuu


Unknown said...

tak kire nak jgk..blueks!

Anonymous said...

heeyyyyyyyyyyy dah2 tepi cket cik ct kembang tak kembang nie ade jer dia yer..ha tn zaidy pg wat revision dlu yer..kang eLFy inform bile ms dan ketikenyer yer...seriously shuhada bz today and esk ade test economy kt nyer..bg dia test dlu yerk..PEACE!

Unknown said...

ye ker test?madah la ko pn eLFy..host la kaedahnyer..HAHAHAHA

baek la..i'll wait!!!

Anonymous said...

HAMBOOOIIIII celake jer mulot nyer yer..byr fitriah tak?tgu la kau ms dan ketike nyer..memijak ke bumi pong..


Unknown said...

fitrah la lol..HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

wat eva! janji sampai maksud dan makna nya sudeyh...ngok!


Unknown said...

motif la kau L..madah tak sudeyh..sampai MAQNA la kaedahnyer..

sHuHaDa said...

zaidy;-)tq 4 the idea then..em in order to clarrify ur question here. i am afraids that i have to say that i am not agreed with u ady..yeah it is true japan is developed country but see the characteristic of their country and then u can make fair comparison about it. i never say that democracy is great approach towards the democracy and never deny it too..;-) political stability is the most important element in order to ensure the development can be done..;-)

sHuHaDa said...

siti;-)tq 4 ur words..em yeah based on my own observation there exist relationship between both directly or indirectly..

hubung kait nyer adalah apabila kita melihat kpd fungsi democracy itu sendiri terhadap pembanggunan sesebuah negara..adakala nya ia membw kpd kebaekkan iaitu pembanggunan, dan keamanan sejagat dan adakalanya ia membw kpd kehancuran, kemusnahan dan peperangan jgk...

sHuHaDa said...

anonymous--actually kau dah jwb soalan yg kau nak ak jwb tue..kestabilan polotik menjurus kpd kestabilan economy dan membw kpd keamanan syg..;-)

sHuHaDa said...

ajie--yeah it is true..democracy generates to economic development but sometime economic lead to democracy too in certain circumstances..see on what goes around u okey..

sHuHaDa said...

acik--aite..glad to see u r here too..missed u v much acik..lm tak borak2 kan..em neway like i mentioned before sometimes economic development lead to democracy too acik..

mcm nie bila economy sesebuah negara itu mula maju dan stabil ia juga akan menjamin kepada leading nye political democracy jgk and sometimes akan berlaku jgk kecelaruan di situ acik..democracy itu sendiri mempunyai stages nye yg tertentu utk di capai, di 'measure' dan jgk di tafsirkan mengikut view dan persoective tertentu..semestinye tak de lg yg melaksankan absolute democracy acik..am i?

sHuHaDa said...

dick--;-) aite dick..di sebalik kegelapan ade cahaya nyer dan di sebalik keburukkan pasti ade kebaikkan nyer dick..am i?

sHuHaDa said...

anonymous--lets meet at the gossip house then..;-)

sHuHaDa said...

eLFy--tq krn tlg menjelaskan nyer di cnie dan memeriahkan lg suasana..tapi tujuan ak bkn la utk debate this thing..cm share my taught here..and create political awarness among public so that they can identify on what goes around here and out there..;-)

siti--sila2 join tak de masalah..;-)

zaidy--sorry am quite bz lately..and since laptop dah tak de dgn ak nie..em agak ssh jgk nak on9 and keep update..neway appreciate mich on u taught and words here..;-)

Unknown said...

okey no problem my dear..;-p neway can u proof me how the democracy can lead to develolment?how its work..yaeh i know the political stability generates the development of the country. but when we said democracy its mean we give people 'space' to demand for their development needs..so i think it will lead to the slowdown the development itself?

hence there are people who always used de,ocracy terms to gain political power @ voter suuport shuhada..;-)

Anonymous said...

yer yer acik smetumuju ajer shu..hehe ha mesti la acik sumeportmrot adik acik sorg nie.kan adik acik nie semelalumu sumeportmort acik kan...ken..men..HEMHEMHEM